Wilsons Creek Public School

Small school, big heart

Telephone(02) 6684 0132


Wilsons Creek Preschool

Ring 02 6684 0013 for the Wilsons Creek Community Preschool (WCCP) operates:


Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday


9:15am till 3:15pm during school term.


This is the current Parent Guide. It is attached as a .pdf


Wilsons Creek Pre School (PDF 3.1MB)


It is a community based centre managed by a parent committee.

We are located in a beautiful rainforest setting, right next door to Wilsons Creek Primary School, creating an opportunity for smooth transitions.


WCCP is committed to high quality early childhood education and care, believing the two to be inseparable.

We believe that children?'s experiences and opportunities to explore, develop individual potential, secured by a warm, friendly and anti-biased environment, allow children? to feel safe, valued and at home in their surroundings and to develop their positive self image and world view.


Children are encouraged to move freely between activities, following their interest in both indoor and outdoor settings.


Our program refers to the ‘Early Years Learning Framework?' (EYLF) and the National Quality Framework? Documents,' they form a foundation for practice in the hope that all children? experience learning that is engaging and builds success for life.

The EYLF considers the practice the Early Childhood Educator provides. It is the things that we do to support and encourage children?'s learning.

Such as:

  • Learning through play
  • Responsiveness to children?
  • Holistic approach (all areas of children?'s development and self)
  • Intentional teaching
  • Learning environments
  • Cultural competence
  • Continuity of learning and transitions
  • Assessment for learning


The EYLF consider there are certain principles that underpin practice to assist all children? in their learning outcomes.

These are:

  • Secure, respectful and reciprocal relationships (nurturing, sense of wellbeing, emotional support, interact positively with others)
  • Partnerships – (recognising families as the most influential teachers)
  •  High expectations and equity (All children? have the capacity to succeed, challenging inequalities).
  • Respect for diversity (traditions, heritage, ancestral knowledge, understanding indigenous ways of knowing and being, values and beliefs of families).
  • Ongoing learning and reflective practice (seek to build professional knowledge, develop learning communities, reflect on what?'s happening in our Early Childhood setting, generate new ideas for change).


So what? are the learning outcomes we are hoping for from all this?

The Outcomes are:

  • Children have a strong sense of identity
  • Children are connected with and contribute to their world
  • Children have a strong sense of wellbeing
  • Children are confident and involved learners
  • Children are effective communicators


We currently have vacancies on every day. Please feel welcome to come and have a look at what? we offer or contact the director Donna Rayner on 66840013 for further information.


Updated 25 May 2017